Hey everyone, it's me Celia! I just wanted to do a post about the
Exclusive Android App Fanstie Event! Many people have been asking questions in pc, and so I decided to tell you guys all about the event and report to you all of the information we gathered :D
If you still have more questions, make sure to message CelieLove37 or Nekole on Woozworld. Some of the questions below are from woozens who sent pc's to me, and others are questions asked directly to +ModRoux, the tech team member.
-Q & A-
How did you get your shirt and title? All of the woozens who attended the exclusive event received a special shirt and title to show that we are official fansite owners and that we attended the event.
When will the Woozworld App for Android be released? Spring of 2015. The app is supposed to be released this month, but the official date is a surprise :)!
Where did the idea for an app come from? Many woozens have asked about playing Woozworld on the go, and in the past Woozworld has made apps such as Zombiez and Woozworld Secrets, so why not one where you can play Woozworld everywhere?
Will the Android app be the same as the Apple one, or have more features? Yes, they will be as similar as possible because Woozworld wants to make the experience as similar as possible.
What new updates will be brought to the app? For now, the app is the same, but more exciting updates are soon to come!
On the app, the clothing looks different than on the computer. Will this change? The way Woozworld makes the clothing on the app is actually changing very soon, and the way clothing on the app looks is supposedly going to change :).
Will both the apps on Apple and Android get updates? Yes, as said before, an update is soon to come. The new updates added to the app will be tested out on Android first, and then added to Apple.
(Related to the above question) So, the Apple app is more important? No, both apps are equally important. #equalityforwoozworldapps ! (The reason that Android is updated first is because more woozens have Apple and it is a larger partnership)
How is Maxwooz your friend? Maxwooz added everyone at the exclusive Android event.
How many mods and animators were there? There were 3 mods (Tink, Lorenzo, and Roux) and Maxwooz was there. Watch the video below to see! :D
Besides Apple and Android, will the Woozworld app be released anywhere else? For now, no, but in the future that may be a possibility! It may also be available for Windows in the future.
Will WoozIN be available on the app? Yes, of course it will be! :)
Will there be exclusive items for Android users? Yes, everyone who logs onto the Woozworld app on Android will receive an exclusive gift that you can get no where else! :D
How will be buy items on the Android app? You will have to purchase items through the google play store. This is also where you can download the app.
This is basically all of the information I have gathered from the event, but feel free to ask questions! Below is a video of the event (Taken by Summer because I was late because I was at school). Also, I took a few pictures with the mods! :D Some of these pictures are also taken by Summer :)! Enjoy!
Mod Tink and Lorenzo :) |
MaxWooz :) |
Mod Tink! |
+ModRoux ! |
Me and Tink! |
Summer and other fan site owners and members :) |
Thanks for reading everyone! Also, thank you for getting this blog to where it is today, we could have never made it without you :)!
xoxo~ CelieLove37
P.S. The official fansite logo is fab, right? Woozworld did an awesome job on it :)!