Sunday, October 25, 2015

Just kidding :L & Fashion

Hey hey hey! :D I waz just kidding crie. It isn't April Fools but, I really needed to do a joke D;

I had to use friendship problems, cause most of you arleady knew about it ,to make it more real looking. I'm very sorry if I'm ticking some of you off xC Part of Rosie made me feel more great in my real life so merci Rosie.

Anyways, as you guys know, maybe, Woozworld has a new Fashion Contest ;ooo (I know again!?!) Yes again. The theme is Fall! Create a fantabulous Fall inspired outfit and submit at the Central Plaza. Red podz = Girls, Gold Podz= boys. DON'T try to submit on app because I tried and it did not work so now I gotta try and submit my  outfit to another computer cause my computer doesn't let me on woozworld and -gasps for breath- it's annoying T_T.

I think you'll all have amazing outfits, but just remember to read the rules! -sigh- About half of you are like to lazy to read dem so here ya go :/ -Jk o3o-

– Download one of these required templates and either print it out and draw on it OR use an image editing program on your computer
– Create a fashion-forward, fresh fall design
– Feel free to give your outfit a creative name to convey the concept behind your design
– Sign your design with your Woozen name
– Respect the Woozworld Code of Conduct
– Enter your design in the Woozworld Plaza using the red Podz for girls’ garments and the gold Podz for guys’ outfits BEFORE the submission period ends on Wednesday, October 28th
– Submit someone else’s work. The design must be your own, signed creation.
– Submit any inappropriate or offensive designs
– Submit more than one outfit per gender. However, you may enter one outfit for girls and another for guys if you wish.
Their four favorite outfits will go on sale Thursday, November 19th in the Woozworld Store.

Yes I copied it..... Sorry u_u  Anyways I think all of your outfits will be mind bowing. Try to be Creative in your work, positive of your outfit, believe in it, and most importantly, follow the season T_T Don't do spring if it's fall.
Le Bleaty et signng out

- Bubbly Bleaty C:

Friday, October 23, 2015


Hey. I decided to make a decision. It was very hard but, I decided, I'm going to  quit/ take a break off woozworld. I'm alone. I have no friends in the real world. I cant keep pretending it's not happening. I can't come to this virtual world, and hope my life will be alright. Sometimes friendship doesn't last forever, so enjoy it while you can. Life has changed for me. I can't get through this.

My life is like a bottomless pit. No matter how hard I try, I can't get out.

 I will miss you all alot, but I won't be posting for a short amount of time. I might keep my instagram up to date, rarely. I will only come on woozworld to check up on things,but this is it. I never thought I'd have to say goodbye.

I will come back,but I won't be the same. I might not be that same bubbly person you all might of known.

Love you guys xx -Blea

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Woozworld and scary stories!

Hey guys o3o Bleaty here :D About 60% of you are probably confused about the title. Well that's because lately in WoozNewz  It shows that woozworld wants YOU to submit a scary story :L

Everyone needs a good scary story in their back pocket. You never know when you’ll need to liven up a slumber party, camping trip, or night around the fireplace in an abandoned cabin in the middle of woods miles from help with a serial killer on the loose! (Well, maybe that last scenario doesn’t need more excitement… that’s your call.)
Think you’ve got a story that can wow the crowd – or scare our socks off? Submit your story to us in Woozworld’s WoozNewz HQ and you may see it featured in a future blog post!
Before you submit your story, be sure to read and understand the following guidelines:
– Submit a story longer than 300 words
– Submit more than one story
– Submit someone else’s work
– Rely on images to tell your story. Your words should convey the tale!
– Respect the Woozworld Code of Conduct (no vulgar language, no bullying, etc.)
– Be creative!

Well pretty much said than done, submit your fabulous story (or scary xD) at WoozNews HQ, and no bad language (Especially no stories with Bob dying xC!!) I'm trying to get through this post without umping up and leaving to hid in the bathroom,because there's a very very strong wind/storm where I am, and I'm always thinking a tornado's gonna suck me up like in the cartoons xDD.

I'm hoping personally, Mya will have a Halloween design contest because her contests are always fun to enter :L

Well everyone, Have a fabulous Thanksgiving, I'm off to study for a Science quiz this Friday (Ima nerd :C) :P 

Bleaty signing out!! With more edits coming soon!! check my instagram!!

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Weekly Updates!

Heyyyy y'all! Happy first day of Halloween!Cx First of all, I am so so so sorry everyone, I know I promised I would be keeping you all updated with everything, but believe me high school life is damn hard :C But look on the bright side, it's Friday tomorrow and then the weekend, like yass. But seriously, I am trying my best to do this all and school, so yeah. So first off, the new outfits that are available in Zechic section of the Shopz. Check them out:

Isn't it just the cutest outfit? Honestly, this outfit remind me of anime. xD Cupcake buns hmm?

:OOO Unicorns and chill? The queen is slayingg the outfit as usual! Cx

Jay rocking a devilish outfit here. Those red wings on point.

        Back from the dead outfit, is just so cool to be honest. Max is rocking the dead look. C:

These were the outfits there are some other extra hairs and dresses in the Zechic tho. Reminder that Last chance September outfits are available in Store. The outfits that I showed you are NOT IN STORE, there only available in ZECHIC for VIPS. Now moving on to our eventz for this week:

1. Punk Quiz (Thursday,Oct 1)- Hosted by Max.
2. Prep Quiz (Friday,Oct 2)- Hosted by Mya.
3. STOW (Saturday,Oct 3)- Hosted by the Queen as well. (Mya) C:
4. Clique (Sunday, Oct 4)- (Its for those who want to make a unitz based on cliques so the woozband can come and visit them.)
5. Haunted House Unitz Design Contest! (Monday,Oct 5)- YASSSS! FINALLYY! (Jay will announce the contest about making a haunted house on Monday)
6.VIP Map Game (Tuesday, Oct 6)- Hosted by Max.
7. Submit your scary story! (Wednesday, Oct 7)- (This is something new! I guess you have to come with a perff scary story an submit it at the WoozNews HQ)

That's it for eventz! Now I have some announcements of mine own. First of all the contest I have been planning for you guys, well sadly due to my heavy schedule of school and then my own family and homework.. well its complicated. Don't worry we will have a contest, Secondly, I am shifting from Toronto to Richmond Hill, which is great bc my high school which is Richmond Hill High is all the way in Richmond Hill and I currently live in Toronto, so it takes me 2 hours to come and go back, so yeah that is one of the reasons my schedule is like full. But, since I'm moving our wireless router and everything has to be cancelled, so yeah I will be without wifi for a week or two, but I will have my phone and I have 3G on it, but it isn't easy posting from a phone, so if I don't post for a week or two, since I'll be busy shifting and all, don't think that it's an excuse or anything. But after that my schedule will be back to normal and I will have spare time too, so I'll be hosting the contest in that time too. I'l be posting SOTW winners on Saturday too! So stay tuned! That's it for now, stay cool and beautiful you guyss! Peace! Cx xx -Julie