Jobs Available:
- Author
- Advertiser
- Author: (Must have a Gmail).Your job is to post on the blog only on certain days on the week. You can post about updates, fashion, diy's, projects, edits, etc. Your picture will be included in the header picture. (Make sure to include the days you would like to post in your application)
- Advertiser: (Does not require Gmail) Your job is to go around advertising for the blog! You can advertise on Woozworld, Facebook, Chatstep, etc. You can also make edits and advertisements for the blog! You will be added as an admin to our Facebook page and be in charge of posting advertisements on it, etc. Your photo will be displayed on the header picture. (Make sure to send us an edit by email as an example of an advertisement)
- You MUST have a gmail account! That is the only type of email that will work on blogger
- No bad language in posts
- Have fun!
- Make your example post interesting in your application!
- Be friendly, and act as if it is a real post
- Act as if you are a new blogger in your example post
- In the application, include the job you would like, and what days you are available
- Good luck!
Sign up today and have your chance at becoming a member of Woozapalooza!
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