Thursday, April 17, 2014

New Eggster Stuffs + APP IS COMING!!!! :D + New Unikz

OMG! I just logged on and BOOM tons of new stuffs! New unikz, app is coming, new eggster egg collecting for exclusive items, and new schedule for this week! Woahhh! So apparently the new unikz is a leaf head thingy that turns you green! WARNING: THE ALIENS HAVE ARRIVED IN WOOZWORLD!! 

Also, the new Woozworld App is coming!!!! I am soooo excited! I heard alot of cool things about it but I'm not sure if it's rumors or not.. Check out what Ww said about it: (Click on the photo if it's too small)

ALSO, make sure to find the eggster eggs around Ww for EXCLUSIC gifts!! I want the eggster bunny head thing sooo bad xD It looks like Finn from Adventure Time.. :P So pretty much certain eggs appear in certain places at certain times.. 
I'm not exactly sure what the shortcuts do but I think if you buy the eggs from shopz it gives you points or something. To bad I don't have wooz LOL. Here's the info on how to get them: (Click picture if it's too small to read)
I sooooo want those!! Doesn't the bunny head totally look like Finn? I think so.. Well that's all :D Check the Ww Schedule tab for this weeks events in Woozworld, and the Woozapalooza Events tab for this week's Woozapalooza events! 
Cya nest time! '.' -Cel

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